
In the Weaver's Shop


Sunday dedicated to spinning and weaving, with guided tours in the weaver's shop between vertical looms and weaving cards, raw and colored wool, loom weights and spindles, yarns and fabrics...

From 3 PM to 6 PM guided tours and at 4 PM textile workshop for children and adults.

We kindly ask to book the activity because of limited availability for the Covid emergency.

Techno-functional Study of the Personal Ornaments in Lignite of the Boira Fusca Cave (Cuorgnè, Torino-Italy)

Stefano Viola 1,2 ✉,
Gorgio Gaj 3,
Dino Del Caro 3,
Marie Besse 4
Publication Date
11th EAC Trento 2019
***This paper aims to present a techno-functional study of lignite ornamental objects found during the Fedele excavations (1977-1980) in the Boira Fusca Cave (Cuorgnè, Salto-Turin, Italy). The site demonstrates a chrono-cultural sequence which extends from the late Palaeolithic to the Modern era...

Università di Trento (IT)

Member of EXARC

In 2018, the Italian Ministry for Education and University awarded the Department of Humanities of the University of Trento as one of the few excellence centres in Italy in the domain of the scientific research area 10 (Antiquities, Philological-literary and Historical-artistic sciences). Received grants allowed to give life to the CeASHum - Center of Advanced Studies in the Humanities which is structured in a PhD School of Studies and five Research Laboratories.

The LaBAAF - “Bagolini” Laboratory: Archaeology, Archaeometry, Photography is one of these five CeASHum laboratories; the mission is to promote advanced prehistoric, classical, and medieval archaeological research. Its special interests are oriented to develop studies in methodological aspects, land use and resources management, and formation processes.

Università di Ferrara (IT)

Member of EXARC

Experimental activity represents one of the most relevant research tools involved when reconstructing technical traditions. As a research group working on hunter-gatherers societies at the University of Ferrara, our experimental activity is mostly focused on the technical aspects related to stone and colouring materials (goethite and hematite) exploitation in the Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic. 

Regarding lithic technology our interest concerns the reconstruction of chaîne opératoires, from raw material selection to manufacturing techniques (i.e. both retouch and knapping techniques) and methods and from use to discard patterns. On the other hand, ochre manipulation is analysed through experimental sessions with the objective to test processing techniques and identifying gestures and conceptual schemes applied by human groups during the mechanical and chemical treatments of such minerals.