
Asociación Cantabruri Historia 3.0 - Difusión y Divulgación del Patrimonio Histórico (ES)

Cantabruri Association (Cantabruri - Dissemination and Disclosure of Historical Heritage), an association of historians and archaeologists who, at the end of our studies, have profiled ourselves for the disclose and dissemination of historical heritage. We focus on the Cantabria area, in the north of Spain. We are currently working with different regional government institutions.

Cantabruri Association (Cantabruri - Dissemination and Disclose n of Historical Heritage), an association of historians and archaeologists who, at the end of our studies, have profiled ourselves for the disclose a nd dissemination of historical heritage. We focus on the Cantabria area, in the north of Spain. We are currently working with different regional government institutions...

Experimental Archaeology in the Museum of Archaeology of Catalonia

Antoni Palomo 1
Publication Date
11th EAC Trento 2019
***The Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya (MAC) was created under the Museums of Catalonia Act in 1990 by the Department of Culture of the Government of Catalonia. Its foundation dates back to 1932. The museum carries out various activities related to Experimental Archaeology projects in the fields of both education and research...

Museu de Prehistòria de València at the European Archaeology Days


The Museu de Prehistòria preserves much of the material legacy of the towns that occupied the Valencian territory. The recovery of this important heritage has been possible thanks to the excavations that the Prehistoric Research Service (SIP) has carried out for more than 80 years.

Open Days at the Archaeological Site of Esquerda


Open days

During the European Archaeology Days you can visit the Museum. The permanent exhibition, which opened in December 2019, shows the evolution of the excavations, with a series of audiovisual tutorials that allow you to see the evolution of the site throughout history.