
Partner Search for the OpenArch Project in Full Swing

When the OpenArch Project had lost two partners, both for good reasons, it was decided to try and find at least one, preferably two new partners. One should best be from one of the new EU Member states and one should be good at experimental archaeology, not necessarily an archaeological open-air museum. Our search, led by our operational manager, led us to contact many EXARC members.

When this failed, we cast a wider net and finally, in December the Management Team paid a visit to two serious prospective partners. One of them is closer than we thought, the other one is in a country we haven't been before. Both of them bring us exciting new possibilities and are an asset to our OpenArch network. We can't present them yet, as the official things still need to be ironed out. If you like to meet them, come to our meeting in April in Modena!