United Kingdom

Cross-Contamination via Stone Tool Use: A Pilot Study of Bifacial Butchery Tools

Alexander Whitehead 1 ✉,
Anthony Sinclair 1,
Christopher Scott 1
Publication Date
The pathogenic environment has been a constant shaping presence in human evolution. Despite its importance, this factor has been given little consideration and research. Here, we use experimental archaeology and microscopic analysis to present and support a novel hypothesis on the pathogenic properties of bifacial butchery tools...

Using Archaeology for Recovery

Organised by
Bournemouth University
United Kingdom

On Friday, 5 July 2024, Bournemouth University will be holding a Seminar/Training Event on Using Archaeology for Recovery. Speakers with a wide knowledge of running projects that assist those who have suffered from trauma, especially on the battlefield, will be sharing their experiences with those who wish to run similar projects.

Crossing Borders and Eras: the adventures and experiences of three Romanian Archaeology Students in two European Archaeological Open-Air Museums: preHistorisch Dorp (NL) and Butser Ancient Farm (UK)

Maria-Cristina Ciobanu 1 ✉,
Adina Amăriuței 1,
Analisa Ariton 1
Publication Date
In this article, we share our enriching experiences during internships at two prominent Archaeological Open-Air Museums in Europe: preHistorisch Dorp in the Netherlands and Butser Ancient Farm in the UK. Motivated by our passion for experimental archaeology, we embarked on this journey to contribute to the development of this field in Romania.

Ian McKay

Member of EXARC since
United Kingdom

I have been a designer/maker for many years, with a particular interest in precious metals and wood, but originally trained as a ceramicist. Now a first-year Masters student in Experimental Archaeology at the University of Exeter. Obsessed with the transformative power of fire.....