United Kingdom

Anglo-Saxon Construction Week

Organised by
United Kingdom

In January 2019, the staff at Newhaven Coppice will immerse themselves in the world of our Anglo-Saxon ancestors. For a week we will inhabit the woodland, working with the tools of the period and really experiencing what it may have been like to live and build 1400 years ago. We are inviting you to join and work alongside us, every other day of this project.


Organised by
HistFest (UK)
United Kingdom

HistFest is a brand new three-day history festival that will entertain, educate and feature an eclectic mix of talks, panel discussions, workshops and live performances. 

Celtic Copper Alloy Coin Minting Technology: Experiential Approaches

Lawrence Herzman 1,
Monika Townsend 2 ✉,
Publication Date
In this paper, details are presented for three technical approaches that can be employed in the reproduction of Celtic coins from Britain: 1) the use of pellet trays to produce coin blanks of standardised weight; 2) the use of successive iterations of clay moulds to shrink coin design images while retaining clarity; and 3) the use of a low-carbon steel die that was heated to a plastic state and struck with a cast bronze slug to...

Of Boyling and Seething: A Re-evaluation of the Common Cooking Terms in Connection with Brewing

Susan Verberg 1
Publication Date
Modern chemistry provides us with a deeper understanding of fermentation, but that does not necessarily translate into an easier interpretation of medieval recipes. Our modern brewing methods and sanitary measures have evolved, and the language and terminology used in brewing has changed over the years. The arcane language of early medieval recipes often makes modern interpretations...

Celebrating our Woodland Heritage Conference

Organised by
University of Bradford (UK)
Pennine Prospects (UK)
United Kingdom

This conference brings together people from across the UK, from a wide range of backgrounds (ecologists, woodland managers, historians, archaeologists, volunteers and students on research projects), to explore our shared interests in woodland heritage.  

Treewright Weekend

Organised by
United Kingdom

Treewright is a modern translation of the Old English treowwyrhta. The treewright's job was to manage and convert wood into timber, through splitting, hewing and dressing the raw logs using wooden wedges and a variety of specialist axes. 

Experimental Reconstruction of a Nineteenth Century Lower Limb Prosthetic Peg Leg – The Box Leg

Charlotte Waller-Cotterhill 1
Publication Date
10th EAC Leiden 2017
***Scientific attempts to understand early prosthesis manufacturing techniques are rare. The academic research of artificial limbs has been limited to the historical analysis of documentary sources. This area still remains a fairly under-researched topic even under the more recent developments of disability studies (Childress, 1985)...

Experimental Archaeology Course

Organised by
Museum of Cannock Chase (UK)
United Kingdom

Join us for a fun, hands-on, informative course about the skills required in experimental archaeology.  The Mesolithic Resource Group will take you through a full programme including shelter, cordage, tools, foraging and much much more.

This ten week course costs £150.  Booking is essential, and are taken for the whole course. £45.00 deposit to secure your place.