Calendar of Events

EAD23 in Nature Adventure Park Zemeraj

Kind of Event
Czech Republic

A meeting with one's own past

Come and learn about the work of archaeologists. You can search for artifacts in a practice archaeological site, assemble "broken" containers and a wooden kit of a log house, get acquainted with selected archaeological finds, burials in the early Middle Ages on a skeleton grave model and with the principles of territory settlement using a landscape model, decorate your own ceramic vessel with prehistoric ornaments or make a clay amulet according to prehistoric patterns from the unique South Bohemian site at Burkovák near Nemějice. 

The event also includes a staged interpretation of the life of the inhabitants of an early medieval village in the Zemeráj archeoskanzen, enriched by the contemporary celebration of the summer solstice. We weave wreaths, drive away evil forces, bake pancakes and make offerings, hand them over to the forces of nature in the sanctuary and secure their favor for the next year.