Giuseppe Chiriacò

scientific director, Paleo-ethnologist

• Bachelor’s degree in Paleethnology and Specialization in Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology at “Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia Preistorica, Classica e Medievale
– D. Adamesteanu (University of Salento);
• International Master level II in Management for the Promotion of the Cultural Heritage (Univerity of Salento – Scuola Superiore Isufi, Cultural Heritage Branch);
• Researcher specialist in the branch of supervision and diagnostic about Cultural Heritage, obtained with the PON Research and Competitiveness 2007-2013, Asse I scientific and technological area.
• IT @ CHA FORMATION – Italian Technology for innovative application in Cultural Heritage (University of Salento). Since many years he works in the branch of Cultural Environmental Heritage and he is specialized in the field of research and promotion of the archaeological heritage pre/protohistoric of the Apuliae. From 2001 to 2013 he collaborated with the teaching of Palethnology of the University of Salento and he directed a lot of companies about dig in many prehistoric locations of Salento, giving importance to their promotion through the realization of archaeological parks, staging of museum and didactic – documentary exhibits and temporary expositions.