EXARC Journal - Latest Articles

Ancient Repairs on Bronze Objects

Renske Dooijes 1
Publication Date
1999 Wilhelminaoord Workshop
***Bronze objects can be damaged in many ways, for example during casting or during their time of use. Often this damage was repaired using various techniques. In this paper, some examples of ancient repairs and their techniques are described and illustrated with examples published in the literature...

Book Review: Experimental Archaeology – Between Enlightenment and Experience by Petersson and Narmo

Jodi Reeves Flores 1
Publication Date
This book developed from the project Experimental Archaeology – Between Enlightenment and Experience, which was composed of a series of regional meetings held in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. This hardbound publication contains quality illustrations and colour photographs; and the language revision has been done to a solid quality...

Book Review: Förestallningar om det Förflutna by Bodil Petersson. Imaginations of the Past, Archaeology and Reconstruction

Roeland Paardekooper 1
Publication Date
The book is written about the Scandinavian situation and for a Scandinavian public, as it is in Swedish. Although not in English and almost ten years old, it is definitely worth a read...

A Field Trip to the Ukraine, April 2010

Roeland Paardekooper 1
Publication Date
In April 2010, a conference took place at Olevsk, which was a good occasion to go to Kyiv and meet Dr Andrey Petrauskas of the Institute of Archaeology of the National Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. The main purpose of the visit was to discuss the plans for reconstructions at three archaeological sites, to set it in perspective of other reconstructions elsewhere...

Book Review: Die Knochen- und Geweihgeräte der Feddersen Wierde by Katrin Struckmeyer

Wietske Prummel 1
Publication Date
The purpose of this book, which was originally presented as a dissertation at Hamburg University, is to present the 1,293 bone, antler, horn and ivory tools that were found at the terp settlement Feddersen Wierde in the coastal area of Lower Saxony, Germany, and to decide on the possible functions of the tools.