Calendar of Events

Augustus at Amphoralis

Kind of Event

On the occasion of its open house, the site offers a touring show: Auguste en Gaule. Caesar and his Praetorian Guard disembark at Amphoralis. A fun and playful way to discover the museum with the Artscène Lutin company, who are specialists into diving into the past in an amusing way. And indeed, let us dive 21 centuries back. We are in -27, César Auguste takes advantage of his visit to Narbo Martius to explore the potters' workshops and identify the best craftsmen. Pétunia Bifidus, Gallo-Roman responsible for public relations between the plebs and the Empire, made him visit the site. Before leaving, Auguste will arbitrate the famous Game of 1000 sesterces! An activity for all ages to have fun and learn, in the natural setting of the Gallo-Roman museum which enhances the impression of traveling back in time ...

From 15:00-16:30, free for all