Bronze Age

Loncarski Center Bahor, zavod za razvoj in promocijo loncarstva (SI)

We are a pottery center and part of our activities is dealing with replicas. We provide researches of ancient pottery techniques and use of the ceramic items. We are a nonprofit private institution.

Pottery Center Bahor, Institute for the Development and Promotion of Pottery - we have a unique place, an outdoor place where we build replicas prehistoric kilns. We work with students of Archeology Faculty of Ljubljana- to provide practice on ceramic themes. Our team uses the facilities to offering a wide diversity of courses on material culture, ancient technology, and experimental archaeology, but not only for adults- we have a lot of schools, pupils to work with.

CRAFTER: An Experimental Approach to Fire-Induced Alteration of Pottery Fabrics

Carlos Velasco Felipe 1,2 ✉,
José María Bellón 1,2,
Bartolomé Bellón 1,2
Publication Date
In doing an inventory of ceramic materials from archaeological excavations, it is a common practice to indicate their observable atmosphere of firing. This parameter refers to the presence of gases, especially oxygen, during the firing and cooling of pottery: if oxygen circulates freely, the procedure is said to be oxidising; if, on the contrary, the atmosphere of firing lacks free air, it is called reducing...

Book Review: Experimental Archaeology: from Research to Society, by Isabel Cáceres et al.

Patrícia Machado 1
Publication Date
“Experimental Archaeology: from research to society” is a transcript of the proceedings of the Vth International Congress of Experimental Archaeology in Tarragona, Spain, on the 25-27th October 2017. The conference, organized by Experimenta (Asociación Española de Arqueología Experimental), the Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES)...

Bronze Age INSET Day

United Kingdom

Experience the Bronze Age first-hand through an interactive talk and primitive skills workshops! Designed for teachers and Prehistory enthusiasts, this INSET day will help to support your KS2 topic, "Britain from the Stone to the Iron Age" and will give you a unique opportunity to learn and teach more about our past through hands-on experiences!

Arkaim Flame

Organised by
Organised by
"Arkaim" Reserve (RU)
experimental archaeology association "Archaeos" (RU)
South Ural State University, Laboratory of Experimental Archaeology (RU)

The third historical reenactment festival "Arkaim Flame" is dedicated to the ancient history of the Southern Urals.The guests of the festival are shown the details of the life, crafts and military affairs of ancient times.

CRAFTER: Re-creating Vatin Pottery 2: an Examination of Clay Quality and its Behaviour

Vesna Vučković 1,2
Dejan Jovanović 3
Publication Date

The Bronze Age Vatin culture has been known in archaeology as a cultural phenomenon distinguished by a specific material culture which existed between c. 2200 to 1600 B.C. in the region of the southern part of the Pannonian Plain, and the area along the lower Sava river and south of the Danube river. The Vatin culture followed on from the Early Bronze Age cultures in the region, indicating stabilization in this area after the disintegration of the Aeneolithic Vučedol culture by tribes from the Russian steppe (Garašanin 1979, p. 504; cf.