Late Middle Ages

Book Review: Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa, Jahrbuch 2018

Stefanie Ulrich 1
Publication Date
Annual Proceedings of the EXAR Tagung
***Like the previous issues, this periodical (Jahrbuch) is published by Gunter Schöbel and the European Association for the advancement of archaeology by experiment e. V. (Europäische Vereinigung zur Förderung der Experimentellen Archäologie) in collaboration with the Pfahlbaummuseum Unteruhldingen...

Of Boyling and Seething: A Re-evaluation of the Common Cooking Terms in Connection with Brewing

Susan Verberg 1
Publication Date
Modern chemistry provides us with a deeper understanding of fermentation, but that does not necessarily translate into an easier interpretation of medieval recipes. Our modern brewing methods and sanitary measures have evolved, and the language and terminology used in brewing has changed over the years. The arcane language of early medieval recipes often makes modern interpretations...

Prehistoric & Medieval Culture Fair

Organised by
Cesty archeologie (CZ)
Czech Republic

Food, that magic word. Today it's so easy to get it, just visit the nearest supermarket or restaurant. But how did people eat earlier? What did all the living in the prehistoric and the Middle Ages mean? Tradespoeple from far distant counties go back thousands of years to the Krumpenowe Krupka Village - this time to hold the Pasta past. Come with them to taste their history!

Some Uses of Experiment for Understanding Early Knitting and Erasmus' Bonnet

Geeske M. Kruseman 1
Publication Date

The experimental work directly related to the archaeological evidence turned out to be essential to the investigation, but much of it was too technical for the original publication. Experimental archaeology is its proper context, and I presented the posters this article is based on at the EXARC conference in Leiden in April 2017 (Kruseman, 2017a) and at the KEME symposium in Copenhagen in August 2017 (Kruseman 2017b). Thank you to the organizers and participants!

Conference Review: SAA General Session, Experimental Archaeology 2018

Yvette A Marks 1
Publication Date
The Society for American Archaeology is, perhaps with the exception of the World Archaeology Congress, the largest meeting of archaeologists in the world. The 2018 annual meeting was held in Washington DC and was attended by approximately 5000 archaeologists. Delegates were primarily from the States, but there was also a good international showing with attendees coming from around the world...

Archéosite de Pont Croix 1358 (FR)

Member of EXARC

The Archéosite de Pont Croix 1358 presents everyday life in Brittany in the middle of the 14th century. The site is managed by an association for historical reconstruction. For 10 years, we are interested in the period 1340-1360 and in addition to our military company, we decided in 2015 to embark on the adventure of building a Breton village.

We recreate homes, crafts houses and military structures, to create a complete visit to a village reconstructed from this time. We build the buildings with materials from nearby, the wood comes from the trees of the nearby forest and the clay for the mud walls is extracted at the village. We only use reconstructed tools for our constructions in order to better understand the problems encountered then.

The site opens every day in July and August from 14:00h until 18:30h.