
Moscow Ethnographic Society (RU)

MES -  Московское этнографическое общество (under supervision of its founder Yury Gabrov) researches in ethnology and anthropology, gives lectures in various related fields. We organize public or private events, such as living history, demonstrating and teaching traditional knowledge and techniques (in cooking, arts, crafts, music, weaponry and economy) from the Stone Age onwards. We unite people who do the same, share our experience in conferences, publications and social media. Usually festivals is our thing.

Our projects include:

Cultural-Historical Park "Botai - Burabay" (KZ)

Member of EXARC

The Cultural and Historical Park "Botai - Burabay" was opened in 2018 in the territory of the National Park "Burabay", located at the foot of Zheke Batyr. The initiator of the Park is Dr Seibert. The Botai culture is an eneolithic archaeological culture (c. 3,700–3,100 BC) of Kazakhstan and North Asia. 

The Botai culture is especially interesting for research into the origin of horse domestication. They were a major user of domestic horses by about 3,500 BC. Excavations of Botai sites are ongoing. 

Museum of Ontario Archaeology (CA)

Member of EXARC

Situated beside the museum on a flat plateau overlooking the Medway River and Snake Creek is the 500-year-old Neutral Iroquois Village site. The Lawson Archaeological Site may have housed upwards of 2000 people at the height of its occupancy. 

Ancestral communities selected this location for its defensible characteristics, access to water, and proximity to a wide variety of animals, fish and wild plants. The site is five acres in size. Three-quarters of the Lawson site remains covered by trees and is undisturbed by previous farming or archaeological digs.

Workshop stone tool making

Organised by
Sri Lanka

Experimental archaeology: fundamentals of the manufacture and use of prehistoric stone artifacts

The PGIAR is planning to organize a workshop on experimental archaeology: fundamentals of the manufacture and use of prehistoric stone artifacts on 29th -30th of December, 2018 from 9.00 am at

Sannai-Maruyama (JP)

Member of EXARC

The Sannai-Maruyama special historical site ((三内丸山遺跡)) features the remains of a large, long-term settlement that from the Early to the Middle Jomon period (from approximately 5,500 to 4,000 years ago).

Excavation that started in 1992, and pit-dwellings, large pit-dwellings, burial pits for adults, burial jars for children, mounds, the remains of large and regular-sized pillar-supported building, storage pits, clay mining pits, and remains of roads have been found. These findings have revealed how people lived in this settlement, as well as the natural environment at that time.

Interview: "Right Time, Right Place" with Jürgen Weiner

Wulf Hein 1
Publication Date
Jürgen Weiner - you can’t get away with not knowing this name if you are involved in Experimental Archaeology, even more if it involves flint. Weiner has published numerous works and he is known as a walking encyclopaedia. Along with Marquardt Lund, I met Jürgen and his charming wife in their house near Cologne. Our interview took place on a pleasant June afternoon in the garden...

The Construction of a Replica Section of the Middle Subneolithic Purkajasuo Lath Screen Fish Weir at Kierikki Stone Age Centre, Finland

Peter Groom
Evon Kirby
James Findlay
Publication Date
In July 2018 the Mesolithic Resource Group attended the Kierikki Stone Age Centre, Pahkalantie, Finland. The visit provided us with the opportunity to practice experimental archaeology in a ‘Stone Age’ landscape at Kierikki. One project was the reconstruction of a section of the Neolithic wooden fish weir from the site of Purkajasuo, which is on display in the museum...