Viking Age

Shoe Fashion in Haithabu


Archaeologists recovered numerous pieces of leather in Haithabu, including the remains of shoes, bags, arrow quivers, belts and knife sheaths. The scientists were able to distinguish 10 different shoe types based on the cuts and processing techniques, which proves that the Vikings in Haithabu attached great importance to fashionable shoes. 

A Tablet Woven Band from the Oseberg Grave: Interpretation of Motif and Technique

Bente Skogsaas 1
Publication Date


The textile fragments from the Oseberg tomb (834 AD) in Norway are considered the world's largest and most important textile finds from the Viking Age. Among the textiles, 48 tablet-woven bands were identified and roughly divided into five categories by Margareta Nockert: I) Brocade, II) Tabby, III) Mixed I and II, IV) Ready threaded and V) Three or more colours without brocade (Nockert, 2006, pp. 147-155).

Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum - Nemzeti Régészeti Intézet (HU)

Member of EXARC

The Hungarian National Museum was founded in 1802 and is the national museum for the history, art and archaeology of Hungary. It’s collections, exhibitions and affiliates present an overall view of the archaeology and history of the country.

Until 2022 archaeological research, excavation work and presentation were assigned to two separate units within the National Museum. One of these was the Department of Archaeology, which conducts excavations and research of outstanding national significance (like for eg. Vértesszőlős, Kölked-Feketekapu, Heténypuszta, Zalavár, Doboz, Feldebrő, Gyula Castle, etc.). In addition to their research, the members of the department take part in university teaching and in the organisation of scientific life.