Calendar of Events

Forcello under the Stars

Kind of Event
Guided Tour

Here we go!!! Saturday 22th August ′′Forcello under the stars′′ is back, an evening with history, culture, music and some gastronomic specialties in light of flashlights.

It opens at 19.30 pm and from 20.00 pm guided night tours of the Casa dei Pesi da Frame. At 21.30 pm live music with Pandorini's Band.

And since it's not a holiday if there's not something good to eat, this year it's the turn of 'His Majesty La Porchetta', a gastronomic stand organized by Pro Loco Bagnolo in collaboration with AVIS San Biagio.

For reasons related to the health emergency from Covid-19, access to the park is closed. Booking for dinner is therefore mandatory with choice between a first shift at 20.00 pm and a second shift at 21.00 pm until seats last.

Reservation is also welcome for the musical evening. Entry will be guaranteed until the maximum allowed number is reached.

Respect for spacing rules and the use of the mask is required when distancing is not possible.

For bookings call (+39) 340 8806468.

We are waiting for you!!