Calendar of Events

Spinning weekend

the Netherlands

Attention to wool and spinning lovers! We are organizing a spinners' weekend on 3 and 4 August. You are welcome these two days to discover everything about the history of spinning wool and flax, but especially to participate. Take your own spinning reel or wheel and join our spinning group to spin the best threads in a beautiful historic environment. We provide wool!

Fiber spinning is the twisting of loose fibers, such as flax or wool, into thread. This used to be done by hand, for example on a spinning wheel. The spinning group of the prehistoric village is ready for two days to demonstrate and to help you get started. Have you never spun before? We teach you the basic principles. Can you spin well but do you ever want to try a big wheel? With us it is possible! Both beginners and advanced students can get started right away.

Do you already have your own spinning reel, main wheel or spinning wheel? Then take this to the pre-historic village and join our historic spinsters. Modern wheels no objection! For a moment, feel part of a long history of spinners - from the first spinsters in the Stone Age to your own spinsels! If you want to sit comfortably, don't forget your own chair - we only have medieval seats.