the Netherlands

Fox Skin Tanning Workshop (with dr. Theresa Kamper)

Organised by
Organised by
Prehistory Alive Worldwide
the Netherlands

A unique opportunity to learn how to tan a hide with fur in a prehistoric and modern way. You will be taught by the well known Dr. Theresa Kamper.

This is a 2 days workshop which will be held at an outdoor terrain in Nieuwegein, The Netherlands. We will use fox skins.

Will you join us?


Workshop Skin Tanning

Organised by
Organised by
Prehistory Alive Worldwide
the Netherlands

Op deze 3 daagse workshop ga je zelf aan de slag om van een rauwe reeën huid een prachtig stuk leer te maken, ook wel Buckskin genoemd. We gaan het hele proces stap voor stap met je door; van ontvlezen tot het uitroken van de huiden.

Early Medieval Easter Market

Organised by
the Netherlands

For the fourth year in a row we are organizing another fantastic Easter market! This year with even more traders, warriors, artisans and great entertainment! From Saturday 11 to Monday, April 13, there is plenty of activity on our medieval yard.

On Saturday we start the market at 10 a.m. Fun children's games, market stalls with wonderful trade, artisans at work

(De)constructing the Mesolithic. A History of Hut Reconstructions in the Netherlands

Yannick de Raaff 1
Publication Date


Creating reconstructions of the past has occupied a central position within the archaeological discipline from its early days (Clark, 2010, p.64). Reconstructions are often considered essential for visualizing the past and for translating abstract archaeological remains into more comprehensible narratives for the larger audience. Such visualisations, in the broad range of the word, can be more easily and readily understood than a complicated textual description.

Romans take over!

the Netherlands

Romans conquer the pre-historic village

At the beginning of our era, the Roman armies marched into our country. First they brought war, but later we discovered that they also brought a lot of fine inventions and exotic products with them.

Heksia 2023 - the Magical World of Witches and Pagans

the Netherlands

Witchcraft lives! During Mabon, on September 23 & 24, come to Heksia in the preHistorisch Dorp. Immerse yourself in the magical world of witches and pagans with workshops, stalls, live music, lectures, demonstrations, dance, crafts and much more… there is room for a maximum of 1,650 visitors per day, so gone = gone! Ticket sales have already started.

Midwinter Fair

Organised by
the Netherlands

The winter festival for young and old! We go back to the origins, to the celebration of Midwinter. The celebration of light, the days are getting longer again! The theme for this year is The Seven Seas.