EXARC Journal - Latest Articles

Interview: Dr Rosemarie Leineweber

Volkmar Held 1
Publication Date
Dr Leineweber (1951) has an impressive track record in German experimental archaeology, reaching over two decades back. She worked with metals, cremation experiments and much more, with museum colleagues, university students and researchers and inspiring many people in how to experiment in a way which is not only fun, but brings progress...

Event Review: the Stone Age in a Space Cruiser

Wulf Hein 1
Publication Date
The Jeongok Prehistory Museum in South Korea. Like a stranded UFO the building is settled between the hills at a river, the sun reflects off the metal outer skin. Standing in the entrance area, you feel as though you are in a film by Stanley Kubrick, but as you pass through into the structure it is a surprise to find yourself outside in the middle of the African savannah...

Ancient Repairs on Bronze Objects

Renske Dooijes 1
Publication Date
1999 Wilhelminaoord Workshop
***Bronze objects can be damaged in many ways, for example during casting or during their time of use. Often this damage was repaired using various techniques. In this paper, some examples of ancient repairs and their techniques are described and illustrated with examples published in the literature...

Book Review: Experimental Archaeology – Between Enlightenment and Experience by Petersson and Narmo

Jodi Reeves Flores 1
Publication Date
This book developed from the project Experimental Archaeology – Between Enlightenment and Experience, which was composed of a series of regional meetings held in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. This hardbound publication contains quality illustrations and colour photographs; and the language revision has been done to a solid quality...

Book Review: Förestallningar om det Förflutna by Bodil Petersson. Imaginations of the Past, Archaeology and Reconstruction

Roeland Paardekooper 1
Publication Date
The book is written about the Scandinavian situation and for a Scandinavian public, as it is in Swedish. Although not in English and almost ten years old, it is definitely worth a read...