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The manuals here are all open access, free downloads. Most of them revolve around archaeological open-air museums and the different tasks of their staff: from management to live interpretation, from PR to Craft presentations. They are written by our members, sometimes with help of external specialists. 

2015 The Dialogue with the Museum Community

Size: A4, 44 pages

Many Archaeological Open-Air Museums are already working together with national museums or museum organisations (i.e ICOM). However, within this category, there are many realities...

2015 Guidebook for Live Interpretation in AOAMs

Size: A4, 40 pages

As part of the OpenArch project, Archeon (NL) published a guide on the use of Live Interpretation in Archaeological Open-Air Museums. This booklet should become an...

Digest 2015 Issue 2

© EXARC, 2015
ISSN: 2212-523X
Size: A4, 40 pages

2015 Management of Open-Air Museums

Size: A4, 132 pages

This manual is the starting point of managing an open-air museum. Thanks to the OpenArch project Fotevikens Museum (SE) has been able to collect and analyse the practices and...

2013 PR Book "Communication Strategy"

Size: A4, 56 pages

Based on our experience in PR for Archaeological Open-Air Museums in 2013 EXARC (NL) wrote a manual on Communication and PR. It includes Strategies for...

2012 Zeitgeist Manual - Adult Education in AOAMs

Size: A4, 17 pages

In an average archaeological open-air museum, there is a lot to do and see for children, either when coming as a tourist or with a school group. Does this mean that archaeology and ...

2012 Motivation Manual Didarchtik

Size: A4, 36 pages

The manual was coordinated by Parco Archeologico didattico del Livelet (IT) during Grundtvig Learning Partnership. Its aim should be to motivate people to work with adult education in Archaeological Open-Air Museums...

2012 Didarchtik Manual

Size: A4, 56 pages

Looking back at the two years of Didarchtik, VAEE (NL) performed an evaluation, which included feedback from almost all Didarchtik partners. In our manual, prepared by Archäologisches Zentrum Hitzacker (DE)...