EXARC Journal - Latest Articles

Conference Review: International Archaeological Conference, Trzcinica 2011

Tomasz Leszczyński 1
Publication Date

The International Conference on archaeological open-air museums and experimental archaeology: An Opportunity for the Promotion of the Tourist Industry, sponsored financially by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, was held in the Carpathian Troy Open-Air Archaeological Museum in Trzcinica, Poland, on 9 – 10 June 2011...

Conference Review: 6th Experimental Archaeology Conference, York 2012

Ruth Fillery-Travis 1
Publication Date
EAC Conferences
*** Established in 2006 with a workshop at UCL London, the Experimental Archaeology Conference is an annual event aiming to bring together experimental practitioners from Europe and afield. Since 2006 it has been held at a variety of locations in England and Scotland...