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1864: the Battle for Als

Organised by
Historiecenter Dybbøl Banke (DK)


  • Denmark


It rumbles and roars and smells of 1864 history in Sønderborg this weekend.

Friday afternoon from 15:00 to 18:30 in Sønderborg city you can experience a parade with beautiful uniforms and historical costumes, play with toys anno 1864 and enjoy a delicious 1864 dish at one of the cafés in the city center.

You can also meet the barber, the photographer, the shoemaker and many other historical personalities on this day, where we rewind time 154 years…

Saturday the soldiers’ camp is open with a host of activities for the whole family, all connected with the war in 1864. The soldiers’ camp is placed on the Kær peninsula north of Sønderborg.

The main event is the scenario when the Prussian forces cross the Alssund under cover of darkness. We will re-enact the scene at the historically correct time, that is, 02.00 hours. The cannons will crash and the Danish ironclad, Rolf Krake, will appear in the gloom off Arnkilsøre and begin shelling the boats carrying the Prussian soldiers.

Are you dedicated to history? Join the Battle of Als and take part in re-enacting the decisive battle in the war in 1864. The Historical Brigade of Als wishes to expand the knowledge this battle and needs your help. Contact the museum or check the website for more information.