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Photo, Film & Audio Footage Policy

EXARC will be taking photos and/or filming or audio footage at its activities, including at Discord. This material will be used by EXARC to share news about the event at which they were taken and to publicise our future events.

Footage may be used in press releases, printed publicity and published on EXARC’s website and social media. We may also share photos with members of EXARC for their professional use. The material will not be passed to third parties. The material will be stored securely, and we will delete this after it is no longer needed for publicity purposes.

Individuals featured in the footage have no right to compensation or monetary benefit from EXARC.

If you agree, please check the box at the registration form.
If you would prefer not to be recorded, please speak to EXARC Staff and be sufficiently marked as such.
If you would like to see your images / hear the audio, or would like us to delete them, please email us at

By checking the box at the event registration form, you agree to the following:

  1. You consent to the creation of video, audio, photograph or other recording featuring you, your child/the child in your care and give all necessary licenses and consents which may be required anywhere in the world (whether now or in future) to enable EXARC to use it in all formats and in publications, websites, products and programs.
  2. You assign to EXARC any copyright or other rights in relation to the creation of video, audio, photograph or recordings in which you, your child/the child in your care is identifiable.
  3. EXARC will process any video, audio or other images in which you, your child/the child in your care is identifiable in accordance with General Data Protection Regulations