Reimbursement Policy
Reimbursement Policy for EXARC Board Meetings and Representing EXARC
As agreed by the EXARC Board, 9 October 2019
Board Meetings
1. Members of the Board and other specified attendees to Board Meetings may get a refund of maximum EUR 250 per Board Meeting (travel and subsistence) as far as it fits the annual budget (EXARC Bylaws, Paragraph 7.1.4).
2. If invited to an EXARC Board Meeting, EXARC Staff members can get up to a maximum of the real costs refunded under the stipulations mentioned below.
Representing EXARC
1. A representation must fit EXARCs priorities and interests.
2. EXARC sends the best person to do the job. This can be an EXARC Board member, an EXARC Staff member, a senior EXARC member or even a non-EXARC member.
3. Representing EXARC is a volunteer job. A reimbursement is only paid, if the representation is an order of the EXARC Board, the Chair or the Vice Chair.
4. EXARC pays what is needed for an EXARC representative to represent EXARC. It is only a reimbursement of part of the costs, not to cover any hours made. The reimbursements have to be reasonable, justified, cost-effective and the amount can depend on the Interest of EXARC.
5. Conditions
a. The representation has a predefined goal for EXARC.
b. The reimbursement is approved by the Chair / Vice Chair and the Treasurer before the trip took place based on a budget.
c. After the trip the representative reports to the board concerning the results and the progress in relation to the goal.
d. The original receipts need to be handed in to EXARC, covering the full sum EXARC reimburses.
Reimbursement Policy EXARC Secretariat
1. Following the EXARC Bylaws, Paragraph 7.1.4, EXARC Secretariat Members may get a volunteer reimbursement following general rules as formulated by Dutch law.
2. Secretariat Members also get their costs (travel, accommodation and subsistence) covered when attending selected meetings or conferences where they act on behalf of EXARC. For those reimbursements count: only actually incurred, reasonable, costs are covered and claims need to be accompanied by receipts.