Late Middle Ages

Workshop Tablet Weaving

Organised by

Tablet weaving is an ancient weaving technique, in which the rotation of tablets, applied in the warp, creating the shed where the weft passes, produce the weave. Historically, it was applied to produce accessories for garment, like belts, or as decoration in garments itself. In this workshop you will be able to produce your own tablets and create patterns.

Craft Festival


Historic crafts from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages are brought to life by specialists in the beautiful setting of the Open Air Museum Düppel in Berlin. Be it flint knapping techniques of the early hunter gatherers or traditional methods of tanning hides – there should be something for everyone. Activities for children invite to explore and all questions are welcome!

Book Review: Skanseny Archeologiczne i Archeologia Eksperymentalna by Jan Gancarski

Justyna Neuvonen 1
Publication Date
The book Skanseny Archeologiczne i Archeologia Eksperymentalna published by the Podkarpackie Muzeum in 2012 brings up the subject of open-air museums, opportunities and disadvantages of the promotion of cultural tourism and experimental archaeology mainly in Poland but also in Slovakia. Articles presented in this book were prepared for two different conferences organised by this museum...

Historia Mundi

Organised by
Historia Mundi (BE)

This event is unique in its kind. It only happens once a year in Belgium that all historical associations are assembled under the cover of a multi-period camp.

Conference: Archaeological Open-Air Museums: Reconstruction and Reenactment – Reality or Fiction?


The Subcarpathian Museum of Krosno and its branch, the Carpathian Troy Archaeological Open-Air Museum at Trzcinica, Poland, are organising an International Conference entitled “Open-Air Archaeological Museums: Reconstruction and Reenactment – Reality or Fiction?” which will be held on 18 and 19 October this year.

Castle Revival with De Gueules et d´Argent - 13th Century in France


Castle revivals provide a very special insight into the most accurately reproduced everyday life of the Middle Ages. Craftsmen go after their pursuits, people cook and usually also bake – these are the Middle Ages to touch, try and ask! The different groups differ not only in their time position, state and region, but also in their different program for the visitors of the Bachritterburg.