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17th Century Pottery Kiln Firing at Little Woodham

Organised by
Little Woodham (UK)


  • United Kingdom


Little Woodham is a re-created hamlet near Gosport, Hampshire (UK). It features houses and workshops set in the year 1642, just at the start of the English Civil War. It is peopled by volunteers dressed in period costume who illustrate the life and activities of ordinary village people at that time. There is an ale house, together with a blacksmith’s forge, weaver’s house, sawyer, wheelwright, scribe and potter etc.

The potter produces work thrown on a kick wheel, which is then fired a replica updraught kiln, based on the mid 17th century kiln found at Barnstaple. We believe that our kiln may now be the only working one of its type anywhere.

The kiln firing day is at Sunday 29 July; the kiln opening day is at Sunday 5 August. The delay between firing and opening the kiln is to enable both operations to be seen on our popular week end opening days.