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The Excavations inside Stavanger Cathedral


Kind of Event

  • Demonstration
  • Lecture
Organised by
Arkeologisk Museum Universitetet i Stavanger


  • Norway

Visit our archaeology stand

On Saturday 19th of June, from 11:00-15:00, you can meet archaeologist and researcher Sean Dexter Denham and museum educator Ellen Hagen from Museum of Archaeology at the University of Stavanger, and art historian and researcher Kjartan Hauglid from the Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU) as part of the European Archaeology Days.

The last months there has been an excavation below the church floor of Stavanger Cathedral, and now you will get to see some finds and hear about the history of the ‘first people’ of Stavanger city - the early ‘siddiser’ as Stavanger people are locally called.

Hear their story from ‘below the church floor’ and about the settlement before the Cathedral was built in year 1125. You can also see authentic parts that are from the church and learn about the restoration work and how archaeology and also building archaeology can tell us more about Stavanger’s early history. 

Location Is Søregate 5, Stavanger, at Arnageren.

The Museum of Archaeology (Peder Klowsgate 30A, Stavanger), has a free entry 18 and 19th of June.