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Finding 41017 - A Lorsch Monk's Life in the Middle Ages


Kind of Event

  • Guided Tour


  • Germany

To the north of the church fragment, on the former monk's cemetery, the very well-preserved bones of a Lorsch monk from the Middle Ages were uncovered in October 2016. The following anthropological investigations provided astonishing clues in relation to the gracefully built man, around 45 to 55 years old, for whom a life scenario is being developed in the leadership. How should one imagine life in a medieval monastery? What tasks had to be performed? What rules did he have to observe? What was he doing? How was he dressed? What did he eat? What happened in the history of the monastery during his lifetime? These and other questions will be the focus of this tour, in which an excerpt from the life of a Lorsch monk with life in a monastery and its history,

Register now by October 15, 2020 via tel. 06251/869200 or sends email).

Price: 7 € | reduced 5 €
Max. number of participants: 9 people