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Gourmet weekend “Vinalia” on ancient wine and cuisine



  • France


As a major event at the “Musée gallo-romain de Saint-Romain-en-Gal – Vienne,” “Vinalia, a celebration of ancient wine and cuisine,” illustrates the research in experimental archaeology. Come to enjoy a unique one-day experience, and discover the pleasures of wine, good food, and ancient culinary arts.
Come and see the grape harvest at the “Domaine des Allobroges” and their treading, taste Greek and Roman wines and cuisines, as well as bread cooked in the reconstructed Pompeian oven. Learn how to make and drink wine or to mill seeds, have a chat with the craftspeople (ceramists, coopers, basket makers…). Admire the Roman feast, and enjoy other activities… Everything has been thought for a full immersion.

To understand our actual culinary practices and confront them to the light of the ancient traditions, this has been the challenge that the Museum has laid down when creating the event Vinalia, a celebration of ancient wine and cuisine.” The Museum has made the bet to combine ancient cooking and experimental archaeology…

The challenge has been taken up, as for this 14th edition, enthusiastic and food-loving scientists, winemakers, wine and cooking craftspeople, grape harvesters, and numerous hedonists will be there!

This “Cuvée 2018” highlights the wine-growing traditions of the “Département du Rhône” which hosts five PDOs (Protected Designation of Origin) vineyards that are going to be put in the spotlight. From Beaujolais to Côte-Rôtie – Condrieu and Coteaux du Lyonnais, the “Département du Rhône” is a land of vineyards, continuing a two-thousands-years-old tradition.


Key moments and animations are scheduled all day thanks to a hundred participants:

  • How to make and drink wine as in Antiquity thanks to the re-enacted grape harvests on the “Domaine des Allobroges,” grape treading and pressing on the archaeological site. This vineyard is a unique place in France, which celebrates its 10 years anniversary and which spreads over 3000 square metres gathers more than 300 wine stocks, cultivated according to the ancient customs.
  • Roman, Greek and Gallic cuisines tastings, ancient and present-day wines, hydromel and craft beer tastings, as well as bread tastings will joyously flesh out the “archaeo-culinary” programme of the event.
  • Experimental cooking of ceramics, reconstructions of a glass-maker oven, a bread oven, a pitch oven, reconstruction of a Roman tavern, meetings and lectures with specialised archaeologists… Everything has been thought for a scientist or an amateur, a youth or an elder, to learn and experiment.
  • Participative sketches around the Roman feast will be proposed as well as hand-crafted displays of cooperage, pottery, basketry… and of course, numerous activities for children and grown-ups like clay casting, Roman games, ancient cooking or donkey rides…

For lunch, you can discover new savours during the Roman meal cooked by Taberna Romana with MIREILLE CHERUBINI, a specialist about Roman cooking.

The bonus: 4 dedications of authors, 4 different approaches but very complementary around Roman cuisine: Roman recipes with MIREILLE CHERUBINI, gestures of the Gallo-Roman wine-makers with HERVE DURAND, flamingo’s tongues or cock’s crests with DIMITRI TILLOI-D’AMBROSI or the re-enactment of a Roman feast with FRANCOIS GILBERT… What a mouth-watering prospect!

It will be a rich event, the promise of an oenological journey through History, guided by living history re-eanctors, archaeologists, craftspeople, and cooks, in a world of rediscovered savours and skills.

Certified and recognised event:

  • New! Certified for the European Cultural Heritage Year 2018
  • Organised under the high patronage of UNESCO Chair Programme and UniTwin “Culture and Traditions of wine” founded by the “Université de Bourgogne” (University of Burgundy).
  • Certified “Vignobles et Découvertes destination Côte-Rôtie – Condrieu”
  • Member of the EXARC organisation, specialised in experimental archaeology.

A huge thank-you to our partners: Pierre Gaillard, Pax Augusta and Vienne Condrieu Tourisme.


Day fees “Vinalia” giving access to the Museum’s collections, the whole archaeological site and to all the animations: 8€ regular fees / 5€ reduced fees / free under 18.
Pre-sale tickets available at the entrance of the museum – Informations: +33(0)4 74 53 74 01
Roman meal: adult menu 16€ / children menu 10€.
It is recommended to book for the meal: Nadine Allégret - +33 (0)4 74 53 74 01 –


There is more…

As a preamble to “Vinalia”, Vienne Condrieu Tourisme, the tourism office of Vienne-Condrieu, in partnership with the “Musée Gallo-Romain de Saint-Romain-en-Gal – Vienne”, offers a gourmet picnic on Saturday 29 September, in a magical setting imbued with 2000 years of History: “Apicius’s picnic.” A nice way to discover local products!
This convivial moment, based on family discovery of local products and tasting of defrutum (wine produced from the harvest of the Vinalia 2016) and local wines, will take place in a “garden party atmosphere” with the jazz band “SUZYKHO”. The site and the museum’s collections will be on free access the whole afternoon.
A Roman-style weekend promising nice possibilities!

Bonus for participants: special fees on the ticket to “Vinalia” the day after.
Tickets to be purchased at the museum’s shop, only on Saturday 29 September.


Apicius’s picinic
Fees: 35€ for 4 people with drinks
These fees include a basket for 4 people and free access to the site (museum and site access is free).
Information and booking +33 (0)4 74 53 70 10 –

Vienne Condrieu Tourisme

  • Pavillon du tourisme – Cours Brillier, 38200 Vienne –  +33 (0)4 74 53 70 10
  • Touristic Information Office – Place du sequoia, 69420 Condrieu –  +33 (0)4 74 56 62 83
  • L’Emporium – Musée Gallo-romain, 69560 Saint-Romain-en-Gal – +33 (0)4 74 57 33 71

Special fees to have access to “Vinalia”: 5€ if the ticket is purchased on Saturday at the museum’s shop.
