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  • Italy


The clock moves back millennia to relive the Prehistory. Games, competitions, workshops and experts will involve children and adults in first person.

- 10.30 am: opening of gates, ticket office, registration to laboratories
-10.45am: GUIDED TOUR
- 11.00 am - 1.00 pm: ARCHEOLOGY WORKSHOPS IN THE REBUILT VILLAGE (30 'shifts. Maximum 10 children in turn):
"Prehistoric ceramic kitchen utensils and potter production". Age: from 5 years. Shifts: 11.00 - 11.30 - 12.00 - 12.30
"Techniques for making stone tools". Age: from 10 years. hours: 11.00 - 11.30 - 12.00-12.30
- 11.00 am - 1.00 pm: PREHISTORIC THEME ACTIVITY AT THE LITTLE VILLAGE (30 'shifts. Maximum 15 children in turn):

"Prehistoric artists". Age: from 5 years. 11.00 am
"The buried village - simulated archaeological excavation" Age: 6-8 years. 11.00 am
"Haute Couture Neolitique". Age from 4 years. Free game
"The trunk of disguises". Age from 3 years. Free game
  Free readings
-11.45h: TEAM RACE *. Round morning. Duration 45 ’. Maximum 20 children. Age 8-12 years.
* the winning team will receive a welcome gift
11.45 am: GUIDED TOUR
- 12.00 pm: opening of food stands
- 3.30 pm - 6.00 pm: ARCHEOLOGY WORKSHOPS IN THE REBUILT VILLAGE. (30 'shifts. Maximum 10 children in turn):
"Prehistoric ceramic kitchen utensils and potter production". Age: from 5 years. Shifts hours: 15.30 - 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30
"Techniques for making stone tools". Age: from 10 years. Shifts hours: 15.30 - 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30
- 3.30 pm - 6.00 pm: PREHISTORIC THEME ACTIVITY AT THE LITTLE VILLAGE (30 'shifts. Maximum 15 children in turn)

"Prehistoric artists". Age: from 5 years. 5.00 pm
"The buried village - simulated archaeological excavation". Age: 8-12 years. 5.00 pm
"Haute Couture Neolitique". Age from 4 years. Free game
"The trunk of disguises". Age from 3 years. Free game
Free readings
- 3.30 pm: TEAM RACE begins. Afternoon round. Duration 45 ’. Maximum 20 children. Age 8-12 years.
* the winning team will receive a welcome gift
- 5:30 pm: GUIDED TOUR

Archaeologists Francesco Garbasi (Vea Cultural Association Gruppo Archeologico, Parma) and Margherita Pirani (Culture Keys, Bondeno) will be present.
Archers Sandro Passera and Marco Cordani (Gaida et Gisil). Don't miss the sorcerer Hatrh or Gianbattista Fiorani (Toutai Argantia, Argenta) and Stefania Perrucci with her beautiful tattoos and many others.

- 0-5 years free;
- 6-99 years € 10.00
Only cash payment possible