Calendar of Events

Vikings Attack!

Kind of Event
United Kingdom

An action-packed weekend as Anglo-Saxon group Herigeas Hundas  defend the magnificent Butser Saxon Halls from the marauding Vikings of Wuffa.

If you missed out on the evening boat burn tickets this is a great opportunity to soak in the atmosphere of Vikings and Saxons with combat demonstrations, craft displays, talks about viking and Saxon life and more!

Please note you may wish to bring some cash with you during the day as there will be have-a-go axe throwing and Saxon and Viking traders selling their beautiful wares!


Please note the farm will close at 2pm on Saturday 24th September as we clear the site and prepare for our evening Equinox Boat Burn, we therefore recommend you arrive early to make the most out of the day and see everything there is to offer in the Viking and Saxon encampments.

It will not be possible to stay on site or leave cars in the car park between the day time event and evening event.