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Iron Age

Beginners Course Weaving

Organised by
Pallia (DE)


  • Germany

No experience in tablet weaving yet? With this course we create the basis for understanding tablet weaving. With an understanding of the structure of a board tape, patterns can then be easily woven - with or without a pattern font. This makes it possible to freely weave your own patterns without sample fonts.

House Construction



  • Germany

Felling trees, positioning piles, braiding walls with branches – if you wanted to build a stilt house during the Stone or Bronze Age, you needed a lot of wood, good tools and the right knots – give it a try!

Iron Roots/ Zelazne Korzenie – Archaeological Workshops

Organised by
Nature and Technology Museum the Jan Pazdur Ecomuseum in Starachowice (PL)
Starachowice District Authority (PL)


  • Poland

The basin of the Kamienna river has imposed direction of settlement development for thousands of years. The traces of human activity from 10 thousands years ago remained here. The area connected with the settlements from the late stage of the Stone Age received the status of the "Rydno" archaeological reserve.