Iron Smelting and Forging
- Austria
Course objective: Extraction of iron from iron ore.
Course content: First day: smelting of iron ore with the help of charcoal in a clay oven built according to archaeological models, at the end of the day remains a slag-containing iron bloom. Second day: The iron bloom is transformed into a compact homogeneous piece of iron by means of forging. Incidentally, traditional blacksmithing can be practiced on both days. You can make simple forgings such as nails, wall hooks or firesteels.
Historical background: Celtic steel was a much sought-after resource. The smelting took place with charcoal - in only one and a half meters high iron smelting furnaces.
Instructors: Lukas J. Kerbler, BA MA and Jürgen Spindler
Course duration: 2 days; 9 am to 5 pm
Course costs: 260 euros
Material contribution: 120 euros