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Event Review: Experimental Archaeology in Denmark 2024

Gustav Hejlesen Solberg 1 ✉
Publication Date
From the 8th to the 10th of November 2024, the Viking fortress Trelleborg welcomed researchers, students, and craftspeople for three days of celebrating experimental archaeology. This was the fourth annual meeting of “Eksperimentel Arkæologi i Danmark”(EAD) [Experimental Archaeology in Denmark], following the success of meetings at Ribe Vikingecenter...

Event Review: Vounous 2024

E. Giovanna Fregni 1 ✉
Publication Date
The annual Vounous Symposium was once again held at the site of the Bronze Age cemetery in Çatalköy, Northern Cyprus, from 1-16 September. Over 60 artists and researchers from Europe and America participated in the event, recreating Bronze Age Vounous ceramics. As in past years, artists, craftworkers, and researchers gathered from around the world to participate and experiment with...

RETOLD: Review of the Meeting at Batavialand, Lelystad, September 2024

Federico Cappadona 1 ✉
Publication Date
This year between September 1-3, EXARC held a conference specifically focused on the topic of Digitalisation in Open-Air Museums and the cultural sector. Co-organised by the Batavialand Museum in Lelystad (the Netherlands), the event brought together the RETOLD partners and several professionals from around the world...

Book Review: Interpreting Science at Museums and Historic Sites by Debra A. Reid (eds)

John Majerle 1 ✉
Publication Date
We live in a time when advances in science and technology can quickly outpace our ability to understand its impact on our past, present, and future. Interpreting Science at Museums and Historic Sites provides insights into how museums and historic sites can bridge this gap so that we can better understand the past and perhaps influence future social directions for the better...

Book Review: Experimental Archaeology: Reconstruction of Material Heritage of Lithuania, Volume I by Daiva Luchtaniene (ed)

Mante van den Heuvel 1 ✉
Publication Date

I am honoured to write a review of the book EksperimentinÄ— archeologija, Lietuvos materialaus paveldo rekonstrukcija, I tomas or Experimental archaeology, Reconstruction of Material Heritage of Lithuania, volume I; compiled by Daiva LuchtanienÄ—. I have to admit that I know very little about Lithuania and their experimental archaeology and I was looking forward to learning more...

Event Review: Bronze Casting in Daugailiai, Lithuania

E. Giovanna Fregni 1 ✉
Publication Date
On 13 July 2024 the village of Daugailiai celebrated the 770th year of its founding on with a festival that included demonstrations and experiments in bronze casting. Daugailiai is a village in Utena County in Northeast Lithuania. The village features a hillfort, which is dated to 1st millennium BC-beginning of 1st Millenium AD, upon which a castle was built in 1254 and...

Book Review: "The dream of The Old Town – Memories and reflections from a lifetime as museum director by Thomas Bloch Ravn" by Helle Ingerslev Kristensen

Helle Ingerslev Kristensen 1 ✉
Publication Date
After 28 years in the director's chair, Bloch Ravn tells vividly and in detail about the many years of work in running and developing the museum Den Gamle By (or in English: The Old Town) towards becoming the great flagship for culture and tourism in East Jutland, Denmark...

Conference Review: EXARC at the EAA, Belfast, September 2023

E. Giovanna Fregni 1 ✉
Publication Date

The purpose of the session, co-chaired by Brendan O’Neill and Rena Maguire (UCD) and Giovanna Fregni, was to bring together researchers working in different fields who engage in experimental archaeology as part of their work. Its aim was to fuse experimental and experiential archaeology with reconstructing past narratives. The session was well-attended, and not only because of the bespoke EXARC biscuits! The papers were divided into the categories of organic materials, pyrotechnic processes, and educational and cultural significance.

Book Review: Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa, Jahrbuch 2023

Svenja Fabian 1 ✉
Publication Date
Annual Proceedings of the EXAR Tagung
***The periodical is published by Gunter Schöbel and the European Association for the Advancement of Archaeology by Experiment e. V. (Europäische Vereinigung zur Förderung der Experimentellen Archäologie) in collaboration with the Pfahlbaummuseum Unterhuldingen...