Conference Review: The Historical Metallurgy Society’s Second Accidental and Experimental Conference, June 2022
The Second Accidental and Experimental Conference was held on 10-12 June 2022 after multiple delays due to the pandemic. This year it was held at the Ancient Technology Centre in Cranbourne, East Dorset, England. The event was organised by Vanessa Castagnino on behalf of the Historical Metallurgy Society (
Book Review: MI-60. Studies in Experimental Archaeometallurgy: Methodological Approaches from Non-Ferrous Metallurgies by Georges Verly et al (eds)
Conference Review: Experimental archaeology: how does it work? by EAS, 28-28 April, 2022 in Solothurn (CH)
Book Review: Visitor Experiences and Audiences for the Roman Frontiers by Nigel Mills (ed)
Conference Review: ”Green Museum Summit“ organised by MuseumNext
Event Review: NEMO Training Course 'Re-thinking Museum Practice for 21st Century Visitors' by Lisa Baxter from The Experience Business
Book Review: A Handbook for Women’s clothing, Northern Europe, 1360-1415 by Ahlqvist and Neijman
The book gives a short historical overview of major events in the chosen area, followed by an informative chapter on colours, a likewise very competent chapter on fabrics, and one on sewing techniques. Then the dress parts are presented, with very clear and informative modern illustrations. The focus is on ordinary dresses, not the really posh ones.
There are no sewing patterns as such, but the experienced seamstress can easily transfer the small silhouette patterns to real patterns, or one can search the bibliography in the book for relevant publications.
Book Review: Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa, Jahrbuch 2021
***This volume – like many in the last two years – has been affected by the pandemic and EXAR waived the fee for many of the affected members. As always, the periodical is divided into three parts: Experiment und Versuch (experiment and testing, pp.10-78), Rekonstruierende Archäologie (reconstructive archaeology, pp.80-101)...