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"By bridging the gap between experimental archaeologists, primitive technologists, archaeologists, reenactors, open-air museums, and anyone interested in using the experimental approach to interpret the past from all over the world EXARC makes our past come alive".

Prof Dr Bill Schindler, Eastern Shore Food Lab; Anthropology, Washington College, USA


“EXARC represents a gateway into the world of experimental archaeology as both a research tool as well as a critical way of introducing a wider public into the past through the results of experiential archaeology. And good experiential archaeology should, at least in part, be based on the results of good analytical experimental archaeology in a complex, vibrant and ever-changing activity network. Archaeology as a discipline cannot and will not continue to exist unless today the Cultural Heritage of the Past can be made real and understandable to local communities and politicians who ultimately support our work. EXARC is special because its work is not narrowly focused but rather embraces good, critical practice over a broad range of strictly scientific and living archaeology research projects. The articles published under its aegis neither talk down to their audience nor over-simplify complex issues of technical reconstruction.”

Dr Alice Choyke, Budapest, Hungary


"Very pleased to have written something for EXARC and it was published quickly and the process was so lovely and friendly. Of course, I already knew all of this! But it's good to get a boost of confidence. I aim to get some more writing done this winter."

Merryn Dineley M.Phil, Orkney, United Kingdoom


"Seit über zehn Jahren ist der Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen schon Mitglied bei EXARC. In dieser Zeit haben sich - neben vielen für unsere praktische Arbeit sehr hilfreichen Ideen, Anregungen und kritischen Anmerkungen aus den Reihen der Mitglieder (aber auch in Blick auf das für den Erfahrungsaustausch sehr wichtige EXARC Journal) - auch diverse internationale Kooperationen mit Hilfe von EXARC realisieren bzw. ermöglichen lassen. Die daraus entstandenen und kontinuierlich weitergeführten Verbindungen und kollegialen Freundschaften möchten wir auch in der Zukunft nicht missen, und werden uns deshalb weiter bei EXARC engagieren und unsere Vereinigung unterstützen".

Dr Rüdiger Kelm, Steinzeitpark Ditmarschen, Germany


“EXARC helped us to get in touch with other organisations like ourselves. Made us realise that we belong to a big family and are not alone! We can share professional views, questions and our experiences.”

Dr Magdolna Vicze, "Matrica" Múzeum és Régészeti Park, Százhalombatta, Hungary


“In the Internet age all those who work in archaeology by using experimental procedures need a common link to learn, share and disseminate our work. EXARC, born thanks to the selfless efforts of a few, has become the best channel for research and dissemination of this modern archaeology close to the society. There are many more reasons for joining us then for not joining. Experiment EXARC!”

Prof Dr Javier Baena Preysler, Dep. Prehistoria y Arqueología, Madrid, Spain


“Personally, EXARC opened my eyes to the global experimental archaeology and gave me a huge kick to intensify my work in this area. Without EXARC, our Society for Experimental Prehistoric Archaeology, working already for almost 20 years, would probably not have existed and many of our projects would not have been implemented. For me, the meaning of EXARC's existence lies in the creative combination of people interested in experimental archaeology, in the exchange of experiences and mutual help in order to achieve a common goal, which is the development of this research method. In over a dozen years of my contacts with EXARC, this idea has never been broken, which is for me a perfect pattern that I transplant to the next generations of students. On behalf of me and people cooperating with me thanks to EXARC!”

Dr hab. Grzegorz Osipowicz, Institute of Archaeology, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland


“For me EXARC gives knowledge and inspiration to develop the museological elements in the experimental archaeology. The enthusiasm and passion we share as members benefits from the knowledge we find in the museum world and its international networks.”

Drs Luc Eekhout, Heeswijk Castle, Heeswijk, the Netherlands


"A phenomenal organization at a great price! I can't say enough good things about EXARC. The talented and dedicated staff work hard to make this the premiere international society for Experimental Archaeology and Archaeological Open-Air Museums."

Prof Dr Tim Messner, State University of New York at Potsdam, USA


“EXARC not only recognises the gap that is often identified between archaeological research and experimentation, but they also act to bridge it. Many valuable tools are provided to meet this goal. Through their unique work, I can only imagine the dialogue between experimental archaeology and academic investigations intensifying in the years to come.”

Daniël Postma PhD, Archaeo Build, UK