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Connecting the Bones

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Meet our Guests
Jillian Garvey Dr Jillian Garvey (AU)
Jillian Garvey is a zooarchaeologist from La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia. Her research focuses on faunal assemblages from the Late Pleistocene and early Ice Age periods of southeastern mainland Australia and Tasmania, where her studies include experimental analysis of butchery practices. She is also interested in looking at the future of animal management in Australia by considering the benefits observed from past and traditional Aboriginal hunting practices. Jillian recorded this seminar, and lives and works, on the unceded land of the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung people, and pays her respects to Wurundjeri Elders past and present.
Sean Desjardins Dr Sean Desjardins (NL)
Sean Desjardins is also a zooarchaeologist, working at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, however his research is based in Nunavut, Arctic Canada. His work investigates the relationship between humans and animals, both in terms of subsistence and hunting practices but also in terms of spiritual worldviews. His current project looks at the effect of climate change and colonialism on Inuit life and traditions.