Viking Age

Københavns Universitet (DK)

Member of EXARC

Since 1998, the course Experimental Archeology, Ethno-archeology and Simple Technology has been offered every fall semester at the University of Copenhagen. The pillars have been the same every year: 10-14 students from many different subjects, craftspeople, guest lecturers and two teachers.

The course consists of four elements:
1) Introduction to research history and theory
2) Presentation and discussion of selected case studies in lecture form, where the experimental-archaeological method and the interaction with the other disciplines are central elements
3) a series of practice experiments and technology studies as well
4) presentation, discussion and perspective of the experiments performed.

The course is offered in collaboration with the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde and with Sagnlandet in Lejre.

Universität Wien (AT)

Member of EXARC

Vienna Institute of Archaeological Sciences - Experimental archaeology
Coordinator: Dr Wolfgang Lobisser

Research services:
• Archaeological experiments on specific research questions
• Reconstruction of archaeological exhibits
• Conception and planning of exhibition projects
• Construction of archaeological open-air museums

Experimental archaeology is highly suited to putting our ideas of the technical capabilities of our ancestors on a lifelike basis, to review our explanations and interpretations of excavation findings.
The experiment begins where conventional methods of archaeology no longer work and tries to test, explain and ultimately reconstruct crafting practices, technical equipment and work processes.

University of Reading (UK)

Member of EXARC

With several colleagues, Prof. Martin Bell has coordinated several experimental archaeology projects at the University of Reading over the years.

Experimental archaeology plays an important role in research and teaching at Reading University. Staff with particular involvement in experimental archaeology at Reading are Prof. Martin Bell and Dr Rob Hosfield, but experimental research also features in the projects of many other staff (e.g. Prof. Steven Mithen & Dr Wendy Matthews), and spans all archaeological periods.

Bournemouth University (UK)

Member of EXARC

Several archaeologists at Bournemouth University work with experimental archaeology. 

Dr Derek Pitman is an archaeologist who studies production and resource use. His research involves a combination of field archaeology, laboratory analysis and experimental reconstruction. 

University of Manchester (UK)

Member of EXARC

The Experimental Archaeology Group was established in 2017 to create the opportunity for both staff and students to get hands-on experience of making, using and researching the artefacts and material culture that they learn and teach about within degree units.

Since forming, the group has explored prehistoric and historical ethnographic knapping techniques, prehistoric bone and antler working, organic cordage from a range of plant fibre sources and willow work, including basketry and fish traps.
These sessions provide us as archaeologists with a new understanding of certain aspects of material culture, including time, skill, knowledge, effort and sensorial experience, all of which expand our understanding of the past.

Newcastle University (UK)

Member of EXARC

The School of History, Classics and Archaeology is home to several archaeologists conducting experimental archaeology. 

Dr Chloe Duckworth has experience with among others Roman and medieval glass. She teaches for example the module “you are what you make”. This module explores - and helps you to learn - the skills and techniques humans have used for millennia to control, manipulate, and construct the world around us. 

XXVII Archaeological Festival at Biskupin - Mother Nature


The XXVII Archaeological Festival will be devoted to Mother Nature in various guises. During the Festival, you will be able to find out how in the past people perceived and worshipped Mother Nature, as well as how they used her benefits. But that is not everything! Scientists from various fi

Steel Bangers Festival


Experience heat and iron as the forges of fire at The Irish National Heritage Park are fired up for the inaugural Steel Bangers Festival on September 14th and 15th. Our resident Blacksmith will bring his crew of metal workers and steel artists to the Medieval Lodge in the heart of the Park and they will stoke the forges and tell the story of iron and steel and the pivotal role it played in