© EXARC, 2009
ISBN 13: 978-90-78657-01-9
Size: A4, 72 pages
When we are attempting to recreate the worlds of our ancestors from their remains, how close can we get? How far can we go? (Lauermann, page 20)
When we are recreating a manufacturing process, does knowledge of modern craft give us a better insight or does it hamper us with preconceptions? (Archaeology and Craftsmanship, page 3)
Can we faithfully recreate a manufacturing process? (Karbowniczek- Weker- Suliga, page 45, Espelund, page 50)
Even where written instruction have survived there is much information which was not put down as it was ‘common knowledge’? (Comis- Re, page 33)
And when presenting the results of our effort to the public, do minimalist reconstruction give as distorted a picture of the past as some flights of fancy? (Thomas, page 8)
These are important questions which archaeologists have to ask themselves again and again. We have to keep them in minds to remind us of our responsibility towards our readers, visitors and the public in general.
In the sixth issue (all articles are available as PDF):
Archaeology and craftsmanship (PDF)
DISCUSSION - Bruce Bradley (UK), Tine Schenck (NO), Wulf Hein (DE), Walter Fasnacht (CH), Harald Høgseth (NO)
Die kommunikative Verantwortung archäologischer Freilichtmuseen: Ein Beitrag zur Diskussion (PDF)
DISCUSSION - Rüdiger Kelm (De)
Images of the Past: illustrating and imagining archaeology (PDF)
DISCUSSION - Gordon Thomas (SC)
Prehistory in school didactics (PDF)
EDUCATION - Antonio Affuso, Ada Preite (IT)
Experiencing archaeology and interpretation: The educational program at the Terramara of Montale (Italy) (PDF)
EDUCATION - Ilaria Pulini, Cristiana Zanasi (IT)
Roseldorf rekonstruiert: Ein keltischen Heiligtums entsteht in Asparn an der Zaya (PDF)
ITEMS - Ernst Lauermann (AU)
Les techniques d’allumage du feu des origines a nos jours (PDF)
ITEMS - Faustine Sappa, Bertrand Roussel (FR)
The archaeology of taste: Gargilius Martialis’s Garum (PDF)
ITEMS - Lara Comis, Corrado Re (IT)
From Bucchero to grey ware in the Po valley: experimenting with the importance of firing (PDF)
ITEMS - Roberto Deriu (IT)
Experimental metallurgical process in a slag pit bloomery furnace (PDF)
ITEMS - Miroslaw Karbowniczek, Wladyslaw Weker, Ireneusz Suliga (PL)
A new look at experimental ironmaking (PDF)
ITEMS - Arne Espelund (NO)
News from EXARC (PDF)
REPORTS - Roeland Paardekooper (NL)
Reconstructing an early iron age habitat at Saharna-Þiglãu on the middle Dniester (PDF)
REPORTS - Andrei Nicic (MD)
Conference world (PDF)
REPORTS - Caroline Jeffra (UK), Roeland Paardekooper (NL), Clara Masriera Esquerra (CAT), Jodi Reeves Flores (UK)
Rebuilding Dutch Megalith burial tombs (PDF)
REPORTS - Maarten Eysink Smeets (NL)
Interview with John Coles: Reflecting on experimental archaeology (PDF)
INTERVIEW - Roeland Paardekooper (NL)
Reviews (PDF)
“Know thyself” A Scandinavian idea conquers the world
Archaeology and Education / L’archéologie et l’éducation