EAD21 in the Latvian Archaeological Club
Kind of Event
- Demonstration
- Lecture
- Latvia
In 2021, the Latvian Archaeological Club will participate in the European Archeology Days for the second year, this year one day - on June 19. Within the framework of the event, various prehistoric skills workshops, demonstrations, lectures will take place.
13:00 - Jānis Meinerts, a specialist of the Latvian National Cultural Heritage Board, will give a story about the preservation and recognition of the archaeological heritage today;
14:00 - flint processing demonstrations and a master class will be led by archaeologist Artūrs Tomsons
14:30 - a lesson in making prehistoric ceramics will take place, led by artist Līva Kaprāle;
15:00 - a master class on the basics of prehistoric art will be held, led by the people of the association PLŪSMA. In this lesson you will be able to make your own "tribal" stylistic clay mask and get acquainted with the techniques in which cave drawings were made thousands of years ago;
15:30 - all those interested will be able to get acquainted with the preparation of Stone Age fishing nets, led by folklorist Liene Kņaze;
16:00 - all present will be able to learn more about one of the shortest but brightest periods of prehistory - the Bronze Age - both by creating models and making bronze smelters in a lesson led by archaeologist Artūrs Tomsons.