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Palaeolithic-Mesolithic Festival

Organised by
Institut Vremeni (RU)


  • Russia

On April 27 2019 Institut Vremeni and Moscow Ethnographic Society are holding a local festival at Voronezh dedicated to Western European Palaeolithic-Mesolithic everyday life. Voronezh is home to the famous Kostenki site. The festival is largely supported by the Kostenki Museum and welcomes everyone brave enough to face Stone Age. 

Fishskin tanning workshop

Organised by
Prehistory Alive Worldwide


  • the Netherlands

Did you ever want to make leather our of a fishskin?

It is possible! During this 1 day workshop we will work on a salmonskin. We will use the fat-tanning method; one of the oldest methods to turn a raw skin into a nice piece of leather. It is not easy and takes time, but it's really worth it! The leather will be beautiful, strong and durable.

Bone Tool Making Workshop with Wulf Hein



  • Germany

A bone tool-making Workshop with expert Wulf Hein will take place in September 2018 at the "Zeiteninsel" in Niederweimar-Argenstein. The participants will get to know the stone age techniques and will work with authentic tools and materials. Afterwards they can make their own arrowhead, a fishing hook or even a stone age figurine.
Course suitable for age 12+. 

House Construction



  • Germany

Felling trees, positioning piles, braiding walls with branches – if you wanted to build a stilt house during the Stone or Bronze Age, you needed a lot of wood, good tools and the right knots – give it a try!