
Pit Preserve from Ida – on the Problem of Charred Seeds from Prehistoric Pits

Lutz Zwiebel 1
Publication Date


A wild seed propagator and gardener (such as myself) relies on years of close human-plant interaction. The adaptability of domesticated and many wild plants to human economy and behaviour has always thrilled me. When I first read archaeological reports of frequent and large amounts of prehistoric charred seeds that were dumped in the ground I was bemused. It contrasted starkly with the care and sensitivity I use in the processes of seed harvest, drying and selection. So I started reading more and also charring seeds myself.

Prehistoric Week

Organised by
the Netherlands

During the prehistoric weeks you see how things were thousands of years ago! In the Mesolithic, the stories of the hunters and gatherers are told. At the first farmers you can twine a bracelet. The inhabitants of the Funnel Beaker farm make nettle tea that you can taste. In the Bronze Age there are demonstrations and it is shown which specific materials are used on the land.