EXARC joined NEMO in 2018. NEMO is the Network of European Museum Associations. Together, NEMO's members speak for over 30.000 museums across Europe. NEMO ensures museums are an integral part of European life by promoting their work and value to policy makers and by providing museums with information, networking and opportunities for co-operation.
EXARC joined NEMO as affiliated member because we think we can learn from other museum organisations and together, stand strong in the international field of policy makers, advocates and funding bodies.
NEMO is not just a paper tiger: members meet for exchanges, training courses and webinars. In June 2018, one of our EXARC Board members went to Sweden to meet colleagues and learn more. One year later, the EXARC Chair attended an exchange in Hungary and in 2020 EXARC hosted a NEMO exchange.
More information: http://www.ne-mo.org
See also NEMO's webinars.