RETOLD 2020-2024 (Creative Europe)

What it is about

Documentation | Digitisation | Sharing
The RETOLD project will ensure that open-air museums can continue telling important cultural heritage stories to a diverse public by developing a standardised workflow to collect, digitise, and share data on buildings, crafts, and traditions. These data will be stored in an open access format so that museum professionals, researchers, and the public can access and use them freely. This will ensure better quality research through more comparable data, the preservation of tacit cultural heritage knowledge, and opportunities for more engaging and impactful story-telling about cultural heritage to the general public.

Open-air museums are vast repositories of cultural heritage data, which are currently located in archival records, photos, video, and the minds of museum staff and volunteers. There is a real risk that without a standardised process for capturing and storing this data, it will be lost forever. Open-air museums are process and action-oriented, rather than artefact oriented. Therefore, the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model, that revolves around events and processes (as opposed to objects), will be used. The standardised workflows created by this project will be shared in an open access form on multiple platforms, and open-air museums will be actively encouraged to adopt them.

The RETOLD project will thus create open access knowledge transfer to a new generation of museum professionals, researchers, and the public. This represents an important opportunity for open-air museums to fully leverage the new possibilities of digital technologies, social media and online communities in widely disseminating cultural heritage data. The end result will be enhanced cooperation between historical and archaeological open-air museums and other cultural heritage specialists, a strengthening of the research and interpretation framework of open-air museums, and ultimately the long-term sustainability of open-air museums as guardians of cultural heritage. 

The RETOLD partners are: EXARC Coordinator; Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (ES)Complexul National Muzeal ASTRA (RO)Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen (DE)Nüwa Digital Media Content Production Studios Ltd (IE) and Museumsdorf Düppel (DE)

Work Packages

Work Package 1 Management of the Project
Work Package 2 Documentation Instruments & Strategies
Work Package 3 Immersive Media & 3D Storytelling
Work Package 4 Case Studies & Rollout
Work Package 5 Dissemination and Exploitation of Results

Deliverables and planned Actions

TitleWhatAuthor / Responsible forProjectYear
1. A model for integrating multimodal documentation with narrative dissemination to be used in museum and heritage contextsWebsite: Online ToolUniversitat Autónoma de Barcelona (ES) and the three Museum PartnersRETOLD2022-2024
  a. Research on documentations methods and needsOnline / Emails / meetingsMuseumsdorf Düppel (DE) and Complexul National Muzeal ASTRA (RO)
Read more
  b. Documentation AppOnline ToolUniversitat Autónoma de Barcelona (ES) with the help of all Partners. 3D Storytelling by Nüwa Digital Media Content Production Studios Ltd (IE)
See (operational from July 2024)
c. Collecting information at the three partners according to the methods developedPresented in Online toolthe three Museum PartnersRETOLD2023-2024
2. Prototype for immersive digital storytellingWebsite: Online ToolNüwa Digital Media Content Production Studios Ltd (IE) and the three Museum Partners, with special role for Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen (DE)RETOLD2022-2024
  a. Research on how digital media are being used for documentation, archiving and communicationOnline / Emails / meetingsNüwa Digital Media Content Production Studios Ltd (IE) and Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen (DE)
Read more
  b. Workshops Immersive Media & 3D Storytelling at Museum Partners
TrainingNüwa Digital Media Content Production Studios Ltd (IE), Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen (DE), Complexul National Muzeal ASTRA (RO), Museumsdorf Düppel (DE)
Read more workshop 1
Read more workshop 2
Read more workshop 3
  c. Platform with Case Studies & Roll out (incl analysis of opportunities to integrate 3D content and visual documentation into the museums’ current digital presence)Website: Online ToolEXARC, Nüwa Digital Media Content Production Studios Ltd (IE)
Planned mid 2024, after App ready
3. WhiteBook for roll out to other museumsWebsite: Online Tool / Print ManualEXARC and Museumsdorf Düppel (DE) with help of all the partners
Planned mid 2024 after App ready
4. Vlogging and trainingsTrainingMuseumsdorf Düppel (DE)
Read more about 2021
Read more about 2022
See Playlist on Youtube with crafts en interviews
5. Articles in the EXARC JournalWebsite / PrintEXARC with help of all the partners
During the project many articles are written by different partners to explain the process, and the outcome of the project
Read more / See the overview
6. Corporate Identity / logo and website (incl. Communication through Social Media)Internet / WebsiteEXARC
Designing logo and general branding to use for the publications and Social Media through out the project. As well as redesigning part of the website about RETOLD.
Read more
Read about Media Plan
7. Presentation at Museum PartnersSmall ExhibitionEXARC 
2022 we produced general banners introducing the partners and the RETOLD project.
Read more about 2022
2023 we will make banners about house documentation, where we present the process from start till end. 
Read more about 2023
2024 we will present the documentation of crafts, introduce three crafts from the three museums.
Read more about 2024
8. Midterm external Evaluation by a specialistReportEXARC
Planned in early 2024
9. Conferences (working meetings) incl bursariesMeetingEXARC, Complexul National Muzeal ASTRA, Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen (DE), Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (ES)
Read more / See the overview 