
RETOLD: Open-air museums and the Wikimedia community

Once you have digital data, anybody can do anything with those! Therefore, RETOLD had formulated very early the wish to find communities, we could cooperate with. But we needed to zoom out first. Our open-air museums are part of something larger, Galleries, Libraries, Archives & Museums (in short called GLAM). Although there is a big diversity between these categories, we all strive for free and open access to digital cultural heritage.

EXARC Journal 2024/03

The 2024/3 EXARC Journal brings you five reviewed and five mixed matter articles. All the articles are open access to allow for free exchange of information and further development of our knowledge of the past. This time two of the reviewed articles come from the UK and one a piece from Greece, Norway and the United States. Each of the articles tackles a different topic. John Whittaker and Mary Jane Berman used microlithic flakes as teeth in a wooden grater to better understand the archaeological evidence of such teeth and also the processing of manioc. Sally Pointer’s project looked into the earliest soapmaking...