
John Kiernan EXARC Award 2024 winners

The EXARC Award consists of two grants of €500 awarded annually, each for worthwhile archaeological experiments, regardless where in the world they are executed and by whom. These awards are sponsored by EXARC member John Kiernan (US). For previous projects funded by the EXARC award, you can check the main page here. As the year 2024 draws to a close, so too does our second call for this year's EXARC Award, and we are excited to present here the two winning projects!

New EXARC Website

After months of planning and reworking, our brand new EXARC website is finally up and running, albeit still on slightly wobbly feet as we work out the kinks and add all the content! 

EXARC goes fully digital

EXARC members will soon be receiving their 2024 edition of the EXARC Journal Digest, which was already announced in a previous news item with more information here. The physical Digest includes articles taken from the EXARC Journal, which is online and available for everyone. Here at EXARC, we strongly believe that research publication should be affordable for authors, and openly accessible for readers. For that reasons, we have no costs for publication, and all of our issues are freely available open-access on our journal website.