

EXARC logo

Thank you so much to everyone who submitted some new logo suggestions. There was a very wide range of ideas and interpretations of the logo competition guidelines, and it was lovely to see so many imaginative designs. As written in the competition guidelines, the top three designs voted on by our members were then presented to the board, who would then have the final say on which to chose and whether it should be edited and adapted. 

Although the board were impressed by the logos presented, it was decided that none of them were a significant improvement on the existing logo in their current form, and no consensus was reached on how any of the submissions could be improved to a sufficient level. The board also took the feedback from our members into account, many of whom also commented that did not see any new logo that they thought was more reflective of EXARC as a network than the existing one. It was also stated in the competition guidelines that the board had the right not to accept any of the submissions.

With all of this in mind, the decision was made not to adopt a new logo at this time. However, we will be considering the designs that were suggested and may be in touch with those who submitted them in the future to discuss some possibilities. Thank you again to everyone who participated - we are so grateful for the time and effort that went into the competition, and although we have not picked a new design we are in no way ignoring those that were submitted. It has definitely given us some inspiration for the future branding of EXARC. It was also great to hear that a lot of people are happy with the existing logo, and consolidated our understanding of what EXARC is and how it is perceived through the current logo. We will be posting the top three logos shortly to show what everyone voted, and will also be in contact with the winning logo from the membership vote, who will be received a special prize despite the logo not being picked.