We love to share the projects and work from our wide network of members! Today, we want to highlight and exciting upcoming event from EXARC member Maarten Peels: The premiere of "De Poten van de Bizon" (The Bison's Legs), which is a short film set in prehistory made by Maarten in collaboration with archaeologists, forest rangers, and ancient technology experts. It tells the story of two young hunter-gatherers on a dream quest. After a bad dream, the main character wants to make a new painting. After a shamanistic ritual, they find a bison herd and make a sketch. They bring the new drawing to life in a cave using fire, shadows and rhythm
The film will be shown for the first time on October 26th at 17:15 at the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, the Netherlands. Everyone is very welcome to attend, and on behalf of EXARC we would like to wish Maarten the best of luck with the event!
Maarten is also already working on his next project, which is a full feature-length film on a similar topic. He is extremely keen to meet and get in touch with EXARC members all over the world who would be happy to offer their insights into themes such as tool production and use, ancient subsistence, prehistoric rituals, and much more.
If you're interested in finding out more about the film and about Maarten's future projects, check out the official website (link below) or follow it on Instagram (@depotenvandebizon)