The short film The Bison's Legs directed by EXARC member Maarten Peels is now available for EXARC members to watch online. The film is set in the Late Palaeolithic and was inspired by the art from Chauvet cave and the flutes from Hohle Fels. It tells the story of a shaman and his friend on a dream quest to make a new drawing of a bison. It was produced independently thanks to a crowdfunding and premiered in the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (the Dutch National Museum of Antiquities). EXARC members Lucia Ros and Dorothee Olthof contributed to the film by borrowing the production team some of their clothing and artefacts. The runtime is 20 minutes and there are subtitles in multiple languages.
To watch the film, please email the director Maarten Peels ( The film cannot fully leak out to the public just yet, due to the demands of film festivals. Maarten will provide you with a link and password. He is keen to correspond with EXARC members about his plans for his next Stone Age film. You can see the trailer and read more about the project on the website (link below).