
Experimental Studies in Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Archaeology

Organised by
Dr Annemieke Milks (UK)

Session at EAA2022

Experimental archaeology in its broadest sense is instrumental to our current understanding of technology, structures, and lifeways of hunter-gatherer humans throughout the Pleistocene and Holocene.

New Trends in Experimental Archeology

Organised by
SAXO Archeology

On Monday, March 7, 2022, SAXO Archeology will hold a one-day webinar similar to the well-attended seminar "New research in old iron" last year. The aim of the seminar is to examine new trends in Danish and Scandinavian experimental archeology - through concrete examples but also through untested theories and methods.

Beeswax an Addition to the Production of European Stone Age Adhesives

Aleksandra Cetwińska 1 ✉,
Maciej Sadło 1
Publication Date
Beeswax is a frequently mentioned binder additive in the literature. Unfortunately, it is not so durable as to be well preserved in archaeological records, although there are faint exceptions. Because of its strengthening capabilities, which is believed to be its role, this research set out to carry out an experiment to verify the effects of adding it to the adhesives potentially used in the European Stone Age...