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Session: Archaeological Replication in Contemporary Research

Organised by
The New Zealand Archaeological Association (NZAA)
Australian Archaeological Association (AAA)


  • New Zealand

The New Zealand Archaeological Association (NZAA) and the Australian Archaeological Association (AAA) annual conference will be held at Auckland University from 28 November to 1 December 2018. This particular session is on Thursday November 29. The session is in room 3, 8:30h - 13:00h and contains 12 papers. 

Replicative studies are powerful epistemological tools in archaeology, but experimental archaeology– as an archaeological research method– has not been fully embraced in New Zealand or in other areas of Oceania. Such studies, carried out in either controlled or experiential settings, can answer well-defined research questions or simply clarify the concepts researchers invoke to think about archaeological material culture. The purpose of this session is to provide an international platform for contemporary replicative research in Oceania and to foster replicative approaches in New Zealand archaeology. Additionally, this session aims to facilitate the expansion of an international community of experimental archaeologists and craftspeople. Any persons are invited to submit abstracts of their replicative work regardless of focus area, degree of experimental control, or background.