Calendar of Events

Symposium: Experimental Archaeology Study on the Research of Magnetic Instrument Technology

Kind of Event
Organised by
Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan

An experimental archaeological approach to the restoration of stoneware techniques such as stonemaking and use is important, but in recent years, a more diverse and extensive experimental programme has been incorporated into research. At the same time, it means that the methodological positioning of experimental archaeology in stone study is also diversifying. The symposium examines the significance of experimental archaeology in stone technology research based on diverse experimental programs. In addition, through programs such as stonemaking workshops, seminars with modern stonemaker Dr. Katsuhiro Osaka, sheds light on various aspects of experimental archaeology related to stone technology research.

The symposium aims towards raising the next generation by encouraging students and faculty to participate in active presentations and conducting research workshops.

For Inquiries:

Times: June 15  (9:30~17:00) - 16 (9:30~16:00)