Workshop Flint Knapping for Archaeology Students
Kind of Event
- Workshop
- Belgium
Workshop Flint Knapping
Target group
1) Archaeology students – Bachelor 3, Master and cand. PhD.
2) Postdocs, professionals and amateurs.
With the experience of this workshop, one should be better able to analyze lithic archaeological material, for example for one’s thesis or any professional activity. For this purpose, the workshop participants will get experience with:
- Testing theoretical principles to practice, understanding various flint processing techniques and technologies from Paleolithic to Neolithic with the intention of understanding them better.
- Recognizing flint processing errors. o Becoming aware of the possibilities and limitations of the matter in order to better understand the choices of the flint worker (better assessment of the person behind the object).
Required experience
Participants are supposed to have followed a course in practical material studies in prehistoric lithic artifacts and/or to have basic knowledge of lithic typology and technology. Experience in flint processing is not required.
The course is bilingual French-Dutch, where necessary also English.
Préhistomuseum, rue de la Grotte 128, 4400 Flémalle (Belgium).
3 consecutive and indissociable days (Friday, Saturday, Sunday), from 9h to 17h30.
Number of participants: Maximum 12 participants.
Please register by sending an email before March 1, 2022 to Cécile JUNGELS ( as well as Christian CASSEYAS ( One has to add the following information: first name and surname, address, email, phone number, university, study level, orientation and the subject of the final thesis. Please also include your level of proficiency in flint working (none - reasonable – good) as well as a description of your motivation.